Indian cricket legend Yuvraj Singh recently opened up about a past romance with a Bollywood actress during India's 2007 tour of Australia. Though he chose not to reveal the actress's name, he shared the amusing details of their relationship on a YouTube show featuring former England captain Michael Vaughan and Australian cricket star Adam Gilchrist.
Yuvraj revealed that the actress, who was in Adelaide for a film shoot, defied his request to not meet during the series, as he wanted to stay focused on cricket. Despite his wishes, she followed him to Canberra, where the Indian team was heading for the series. In the first two Tests, Yuvraj didn’t perform well and confronted her, asking why she had come. She simply replied that she wanted to spend time with him.
That night, they discussed their careers and agreed to focus on their respective paths. The next morning, Yuvraj packed his suitcase to fly from Canberra to Adelaide, but when he was about to board the team bus, he realized his shoes were missing. When he asked her, she revealed they had been packed and sent to Adelaide. In a hurry, she offered her own shoes—pink slip-ons.
Yuvraj had no choice but to wear the bright pink shoes onto the bus, trying hard to avoid being seen. However, his friends soon noticed and broke into applause. Yuvraj recounted, "I had to wear those pink shoes until I bought another pair at the airport."
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