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Common Computer Shortcuts

Here are some essential computer shortcuts that can significantly speed up your workflow:

Basic Navigation

 * Ctrl+C: Copy selected text or files.

 * Ctrl+V: Paste copied text or files.

 * Ctrl+X: Cut selected text or files.

 * Ctrl+Z: Undo the last action.

 * Ctrl+Y: Redo the last action.

 * Ctrl+S: Save the current file.

 * Ctrl+F: Find text within a document.

 * Ctrl+P: Print the current document.

Window Management

 * Alt+Tab: Switch between open applications.

 * Windows+D: Minimize all open windows.

 * Windows+L: Lock your computer.

 * Windows+M: Minimize all open windows.

 * Windows+Shift+M: Restore minimized windows.

 * Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the Task Manager.

Text Editing

 * Ctrl+B: Bold selected text.

 * Ctrl+I: Italicize selected text.

 * Ctrl+U: Underline selected text.

 * Ctrl+A: Select all text in a document.

 * Ctrl+Home: Go to the beginning of a document.

 * Ctrl+End: Go to the end of a document.

Additional Shortcuts

 * Ctrl+Shift+N: Create a new folder.

 * Ctrl+Shift+Delete: Permanently delete a file without going to the Recycle Bin.

 * F5: Refresh the current page in a web browser.

 * F11: Enter full-screen mode.

Note: These shortcuts are generally applicable across different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, there might be slight variations in specific shortcuts or combinations depending on the operating system and software you're using.


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